Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tallulah Gorge

Oceana Falls. This is a fun creek run in Georga. The objective is to avoid the rock that creates the giant pillow.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


I started to feel a bit soggy hanging out in rainy Seattle, so I decided that a trip to the desert was in order- you know, to dry out. I paddled 100 miles in four days, 80 of those were against the wind on flat water, uphill. I hitch-hiked for 8 hours: I got a ride with Joe and Diane, the salt of the earth, whom gave me gorp and lemonade and were sure that I would be sleeping right where they left me; some Navajo dude that didn't have any teeth whom promptly lost his transmission 5 miles into the ride, the only thing he said was, "I guess you better get hitchen;" a Mormon missionary that failed to catch any Striper at Powell; and two very kind young men from Amsterdam. I don't know if the rapids or the adventure back to the put-in were more enjoyable. At any rate, you gotta love the desert.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


So much to say about chile, but the truth that I dont have time right now, I will update this later. One of the waterfalls is a thirty footer, amazing, and warm.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


You should all check out the videos that are up on our school web-page. They are sweet. I don't know if you will be able to tell, but I have a red boat and white helmet.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Fayetteville Flower

West Virginia is in the middle of a pretty bad drought. I was hoping that I would get the chance to see the leaves change but I think they might just fall off the trees while they are still green.